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Get started for free!

Engage with personalized videos on your website

Create or reuse videos from your social channels and display them on your website easily.


per month

  • 1 Plopeo widget
  • 1 Video
  • 10 min. viewing time/month
  • Hosting of videos
  • Statistics dashboard
Create your account

Privacy Policy & General Terms

Plopeo Go


per month

  • 1 Plopeo widget
  • 1 Video
  • 100 min. viewing time/month
  • Branding with your graphic profile
  • Hosting of videos
  • Statistics dashboard

Plopeo Pro


per month

  • Up to 3 Plopeo widgets
  • Up to 9 videos
  • 5.000 min. viewing time/month
  • Branding with your graphic profile
  • Hosting of videos
  • Statistics dashboard